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Carlo Giorgio
VSQ Classic Method White
Bianco Brut
This wine is dedicated to my father to whom I owe the passion for this work and the will, year after year, to improve myself and improve the wines.

VSQ Classic Method
Pinot Nero Rosato
Rosaè is a fruit salad (a mashup for the younger ones) between the word Rosa, my mother’s name, and Rosè, the type of wine.

Province of Pavia
This wine is dedicated to my grandfather, 1916 is the year of his birth, a man who made viticulture his life.

Blanche Marie
Province of Pavia
Pinot Noir
This is the wine named after my granddaughter.
Thanks to his enthusiasm, I accepted the challenge of producing a wine as “difficult” but as rewarding as Pinot Noir.

The elephant in the room.
I know, this is a choice for which not everyone will agree with me. because often the screw cap is linked to cheap o low level wines, especially in italy. But this statement is false. The screw cap allows us to provide wines that better keep the taste and that are well preserved. Screw caps re-main almost unaltered and they well adapt to any type of wine and allows us to control and decrease sulfites in the bottle… additionally, it is much more convenient!
Abroad, people have been using the screw driver for years; as Australians and Ameri- cans are the precursos, in recent years this type of cap is “finally” finding its market share. Despite the simplicity and comfort the screw cap is at the same time eco-intel- ligent, because in a world where cork begins to be difficult to find it is better to choose for certain types of wine, less “historical” but more consistent caps, moreover, without forgetting that, besides being able to choose the possibility of oxygenation, the screw cap, unlike cork, which being natural some- times contains the fungus responsible for the faulty “cork smell”, the Stelvin will never spoil your wine.